Maccabee Apparel is proud to team up with Maccabee Defense (no relation) to bring you "The Operator." Our Operator design is dedicated to the memory of SGM Lawrence Freedman (z"l), a Delta Force operator who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. In addition to being an all-American badass and absolute legend, SGM Freedman was a Member of the Tribe who took pride in his nickname, "Super Jew," as he was known among his fellow Green Berets.
The tagline, "Lehatir asurim" (To Liberate the Captive) is a play on a traditional Hebrew blessing praising the Creator, which happens to sound a lot like the U.S. Special Forces motto "De Oppresso Liber" (To Free the Oppressed). This text first appeared, in paleo-Hebrew script, on our Maccabee Special Forces merch.
Although dedicated first and foremost to the legacy of SGM Freedman, The Operator is a salute to all Jewish-American SOF operators (and enablers!), past and present. There exists a particularly nasty stereotype that Jewish Americans are less patriotic than their neighbors, and that we don't serve. In fact, American Jews have served and defended their country, from the American Revolution and in every war since, in both support and combat roles, all the way to the tip of the spear.
"The Operator" makes a unique gift for the Jewish service member, vet, or freedom lover in your life. And if you're looking for some solid tactical gear to go with it (like a ballistic helmet, or some night vision optics, why not?), check out our friends at Maccabee Defense, BigMacDefense.com!